PhD student working on polymer synthesis and surface adhesion.
Photograph of Sarah Canning.

Sarah did her PhD with Steve Rimmer and me on the synthesis of polymers with adhesive properties useful in the printing industry, as well as providing much fundamental science. In fact this work is being performed with Domino UK Ltd as industrial partner. She is also interested in the adhesive properties of these polymers and will use a variety of surface techniquers to investigate them. Sarah started her research in October 2011 having got a first class degree in Chemistry at the University of Sheffield, during which performed a splendid undergraduate project with Steve. Although Sarah spent a year in America as part of her degree, she is from East Yorkshire (the rather old town of Beverley to be precise), so not too far from Sheffield. On Wednesday July 15, 2015 Sarah successfully defended her thesis before her examiners, Dr (now Professor) Frederik Claeyssens (University of Sheffield) and Professor Sébastien Lecommandoux of the University of Bordeaux. Sarah subsequently moved a few metres to join Steve Armes' group. Sarah then moved south to work for Fujifilm UK, which is a good result, but after a few years she decided that it was time for a move and now Infinieum are lucky to have her.

Steve Rimmer's web page

Steve Armes' group web pages

Dr Frederik Claeyssens

Professor Sébastien Lecommandoux

Domino UK Ltd

Fujifilm UK



S. L. Canning, J. M. F. Ferner, N. M. Paul, T. J. Wear, S. W. Reynolds, J. Morgan, J. P. A. Fairclough, S. M. King, T. Swift, M. Geoghegan, and S. Rimmer "Highly-ordered onion micelles made from amphiphilic highly-branched copolymers" Polym. Chem. 9 5617-29 (2018)

Oral presentations

UK Colloids 2014, London, July 2014

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