Emily was born in Leeds and did her degree in Chemistry in Bristol where she worked in industry for a year with Lucite International. There she made bioperspex which is basically PMMA from renewable materials. She tells me that this was high pressure decarboxylation of itaconic acid leaving methacrylic acid which is esterified into MMA, which can innturn be polymerized into PMMA. But you knew that. Anyway, this took four years of her life, and ended in 2016 when searching for pastures new she came across this beautiful web page – the best that Barry Kaye has done – and sent me an e-mail. The rest, as they say, is history. She arrived in October 2016. Anyway, Emily likes sitting on trains and playing the bass guitar. Not at the same time. The photo shows her doing the former. If she cannot become a singer-songwriter like her hero Frank Turner, she will be a big cheese in industry. That’s the plan anyway. It's what she's doing too! For her PhD, she was making clever biodegradable hydrogels that can be applied to bioelectronic applications. The project is in collaboration with my friends in Modena and Cambridge. Imagine trying to plan a project with an Italian group, when a mysterious novel virus is taking people's lives at unprecendented rates. This was a hard time to be a PhD student. Emily didn't get to go back to her project partners, which is a greta shame. Nevertheless, on Friday May 28, 2021 Emily successfully defended her thesis in front of her examiners, Professors Ipsita Roy (University of Sheffield) and Aline Miller from the University of Manchester. By the way, sitting on trains is not really a hobby of hers. It’s her dad’s.
Oral presentations:
ACS Fall meeting, San Diego, USA, August 2019